If you use Entrecard, you're probably accustomed to seeing those little gold bars at the bottom of the card reading "Drop yours" or "Thanks". If you don't use Entrecard, you may see those cards and not know what they are--some of them are pretty mysterious looking, just images with no explanation or seemingly random taglines.
I'm using Entrecard with varying degrees of seriousness on four blogs at the moment: this one, Catholic Inside, RockStories and The Search Engine Question Pool. Since, as Entrecarders know all too well, each blog requires a separate account, that means four accounts for me--so I'm usually logged in to one or another.
Today, though, I visited one of my blogs from my work computer, and so wasn't logged in to any of my many Entrecard accounts...and I got to see what non-participants see. It wasn't all that much different; I hadn't realized, though, that if you weren't logged in to Entrecard, that gold bar at the bottom of the card said, "Get one".
It might not even have registered with me today, except that my widget happened to be displaying a card with no tagline, no text at all...just a close-up of a very lovely Asian woman. With, you know, a gold bar that said "Get one" under her picture...