Saturday, October 4, 2008

Blogs that Appall Me, # 2

It's been almost a year since I wrote my first Blogs that Appall Me post. As I said then, I had mixed feelings about the whole thing. I was hesitant to provide links and publicity to a blog I found appalling, and pointing out the negative is generally only useful if it leads to some kind of productive action--this didn't seem like it would. So, after that initial post, I let the idea languish. But I've once again run across a blog that so horrifies me that I just can't keep my mouth shut.

Today's nominee is called "WTF Are We Going to Do Now?" It's about having a baby, and it's NOT tongue-in-cheek.

Before I go on, let me remind you that the Internet is forever. Our kids are stuck with what we've written, whether that means someone Googling their names and turning up information they'd rather have kept private or it means making ugly discoveries themselves. We've all seen movies in which some adolescent child hears a story or stumbles across an old letter or journal entry and discovers that the circumstances of his birth weren't what he thought. But tomorrow's kids won't even have to work that hard.

Brad's child, for instance, will only have to visit the "about Brad" page (or the version of it that's archived on the Wayback Machine or some other archiving site) to learn that his father was "not excited about this baby" but had decided to "do his best" to love it since that's "a father's job". Just what every kid wants to hear, don't you think?

I want to give him the benefit of the doubt on referring to his upcoming child as "the new pet". I'm hoping that's just a matter of concealing the news from their older child until he's ready to share.

Brad's wife, Katy, is a little softer. She only refers to this new child as her biggest "life interruption". And she gives her husband props for "giving up most of what he wanted to do with his life" in order to support her and their existing child. My first reaction to that was just a wave of pity for her and that child, to feel that they were an onerous obligation that kept this man from the life he wanted instead know...BEING the life he wanted. But then I thought a little further, and I couldn't even make sense out of it.

You see, in another post, Brad shares that he's been a stay-at-home dad for almost ten years. Apparently at the moment both parents are at home, but he's hoping the wife will go back to work soon. Based on his ten years of experience, he offers all kinds of sage advice about how it's our responsibility as parents to suck it up and pretend that we're enjoying time with our kids when we'd rather be playing xbox.

I have to admit that I feel a little sorry for Brad and Katy. When my daughter came tumbling into my life (also unexpected, and at a very bad time for both medical and financial reasons) it was like a little piece of the sun had unexpectedly landed in my house and just stayed around lighting the place up and spreading warmth. It's painful to think that there are parents who are so focused on what they're giving up that they can't take that kind of joy from their children. But it's all the more troubling that they choose to share it with the world and, ultimately, probably with their children.

For once in my life, I'm glad to see a deluge of full-page pop-up ads. Maybe people will give up before they get to the actual text, and the bots won't be able to wade through the crap and archive these atrocities.


Barb Matijevich said...

I'm horrified of the trail they've left for their unwanted child to someday find. And I'm puzzled by the fact that Brad was so certain that he was done having children and yet he didn't have a vasectomy.

But mostly, I'm have pity for these people for missing out on all the joy that is right in front of them. I find myself awed daily by the things my children teach me, by the wonder they renew in me as I see the world through their eyes, by the sheer comedy that is my life with my kids.

I'm also sorry for these pathetic parents when so many people I know are trying so hard to get pregnant because they KNOW the joys that are inherent in parenthood. Brad and Katy have missed out on all that is good about parenting. No wonder they're so bummed out.

Anonymous said...

Having a baby reveals who they really are inside, which is selfish, ignorant fools.

They are thinking about the negatives of having a baby.

I'm 16 years old and for some reason I won't mind having a child at this age. Maybe because I would take care of my child and love my child so much that it would feel as if i'm not struggling at all to take care of my baby. A child for me would not be an interruption but instead it would be a blessing. I have dreams of becoming a very rich entrepreneur and having a baby will not stop this from happening in any type of way.

This set of parents is just plain o'l ignorant!

Anonymous said...

well this is not a simple issue

Anonymous said...

Admittedly I don't follow their blog very closely, but as a close personal friend of Katy, and by extension Brad, I know that prior to the discovery that they were expecting again, they were already going through some pretty difficult times. They were also taking precautions to try to ensure that there weren't any surprises, but nothing in life is guaranteed.

While Brad's choice of verbiage is questionably blunt and often harsh, and I agree that the medium of the blog may leave behind potentially hurtful things for the child to find later in life, I can attest to the fact that their young son is a happy, loved child, and that they are in fact eagerly awaiting the arrival of the new baby in a few weeks. They don't need or deserve your pity or derision.

Tiffany said...

Yes, Fia, you must be close friends indeed, since it seems unlikely that it's pure chance that your comment coincides almost exactly with a visit originating on the admin page of the site in question.

If you feel that someone who posts a video on his website shouting "I hate my *^%$! life!" doesn't deserve pity or that a couple who chooses to create a permanant record for their child of how much of an inconvenience his very existence was to them doesn't deserve derision...well, I guess you and I just have very different standards.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Tiffany said...

The 10/18 comment from anonymous that was removed was a spam link giving us the opportunity to buy belt buckles cheap--just to be clear that comments are NOT removed because of conflicting viewpoints or offensive language/commentary.

Anonymous said...


(I failed to find your email address and therefore write you here instead. Could you please get back to me by email?

I found your blog through a blog directory for society related blogs. I took a liking to yours and a few others that I went ahead and contacted. My name is Carl Wahlström and I represent factualTV. We’re a themed-based on-demand tv-service on the net focusing on documentaries. From our site you can watch thousands of documentaries free of charge and also purchase and download documentaries to DVD-quality. We want to provide an option to all brainless entertainment circling media today and yet be entertaining.

I would like to recommend you to check out our Society section on our site. You can do so here; It’s my belief that your readers might take interest to what we have to offer in this section. I therefore wonder if you would consider posting a link or adding us to your blog roll? Or maybe even writing a review? Any help would be immensely appreciated. I hope this can work out.

All the best,


Anonymous said...

Anyone who wants to destroy us should we defeat said Obama (U.S. doctrine against "evil" powers)
The U.S. has always built on expansion (the fate of America)
And capitalism's idea of utopia (Law and prosperity)

Biochips are a bit of the spiritual cornerstone of the Constitution (biochips)
Variant success in a world that despite everything NOT have a God (most information Americans were Deister)
You have been kidnapped by religious jihadists

Forget the Arab States (win your empire)

Russia's president will of course extend the term of office (axis of evil)
And geostrategic with weapons

Anonymous said...

I found your concept of the long-term blog effects intriguing. The internet has such a temporary feel to it that most of us put very little thought into what we write - a quick glance at any message board can prove that. Food for thought - I'm going to have to google around a bit and see if any research has been done on these kinds of situations.

Anonymous said...

Great Post. I never looked at it like that. I always tell my kids, you have to live with every decision you make, so try and make them wisely.

...internet included.


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