Friday, July 6, 2007

The Great Smarties Conspiracy

Not long ago, I was browsing a blog that happened to have a post celebrating "Canada Day", and Smarties appeared on the "Things that are Canadian" list. At first, I thought that was mildly interesting--I hadn't known that Smarties were Canadian. And then the photograph intriqued me even more...Smarties don't come in BOXES in the United States! Even the writing was different!

You see it coming, don't you?

They WEREN'T Smarties.

Closer inspection revealed that these candies were brightly colored and kind of pill-shaped. NOTHING like Smarties.

I inquired.

Just as calmly as you please, that other blogger informed me that those Smarties had been around "forever", and that they were...are you ready for this?


I wasn't falling for that. Smarties are most definitely not chocolate. They're really GOOD for not being chocolate--quite possibly the most coveted non-chocolate Halloween candy--but Decidedly Not Chocolate.

I investigated further. And I found this: Smarties vs. M-n-Ms

They look just like M-n-Ms, except without the "m"s. They look a little like Skittles. They do not, in any way, shape or form, resemble SMARTIES, however.

These, of course, are the real Smarties*: Smarties

You'll notice that they're disc shaped and concave on both sides. You'll also notice that they're pastel colors, not brightly colored like poster paints. Or Skittles. Or M-n-Ms. You'll also notice that they' CHOCOLATE!

*"Real" in this context shall be construed to mean "the Smarties that Tiffany has eaten all of her life and is comfortable with".

I just got a comment about something called "Rockets", but I'm not going to look. Everyone knows that a "Rocket" is a popsicle, and I'm absolutely firm on that.


Taylor Blue said...

That's an awesome post...I'm sorry if I ruined everything for you by revealing "my smarties" :)

Anonymous said...

I agree.. Awesome post!!!! I love your style of writing :) have to check in more often.

MS said...

Aren't there chocolate Smarties in Britain too? I have a vague recollection of being confused about the things back in the eighties sometime.

Anonymous said...

We're onto your schemes, Canada, with your free healthcare and your curling and your chocolate Smarties!

Taylor Blue said...

For the record in Alberta you have to pay for your health care monthly...and I HATE curling...what is the fun in that???

Barb Matijevich said...

This entire post made me laugh but I aughed the most at your comment about rockets. Very funny. I would say something snarky about the REAL Smarties must be in Canada, given the current US administration but I've been doing crafts with my daughters all day and I'm out of snarky comments.

Anonymous said...

Sometimes there is no right answer. You gotta go with what you're comfortable with.

I'm Canadian and have eaten yummy chocolate Canadian smarties my whole life. And when I go to the states and see rockets there I say "Check it out - they call their rockets smarties!"

But it's all candy so it's all good.

Anonymous said...

Smarties are NOT a Canadian invention. They are British, but are sold around Europe and most of the Commonwealth nations.

Anonymous said...

you do know two things can have the same names... you don't have to get so hyped up on the fact Canadians have a version of Smarties that are different than your Smarties.

Americans aren't the creators of EVERYTHING as much as you'd like to think that


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