Tuesday, May 15, 2007

A Few Questions about Spongebob Squarepants

I ask these questions of my daughter on a regular basis, whenever I come upon her watching the goings-on of Bikini Bottom, but she always says, "Mom." She says it in a tone that's a mix of patience and eye-rolling, a tone that says that she understands that I just don't get it and she DOES find me sort of endearing, but she'd nonetheless prefer that I...well...shut up.

I can't help it, though. Some of this stuff really bothers me. And since my daughter refused to discuss this intelligently, like an adult, I'm hoping that someone else out there has some insights that will let me sleep at night.

1. Why do Spongebob and Patrick require glass domes over their heads when they leave the water to visit Sandy the Squirrel, but did not when they visited Karate Island?

2. Why do normal household objects that FLOAT just sit on the table or ground in Bikini Bottom?

3. How can Spongebob and Patrick go to the beach, even walking up to the edge of a body of water that's...well...under water? Likewise, how is it that there are there sometimes puddles on the ground?

4. In the episode in which Spongebob and Patrick spend the entire day playing in a cardboard box, why doesn't the box fall apart? Why is there a cardboard box at the bottom of the sea at all?

5. Why, when Spongebob and Patrick suddenly "fly" through the "air", is Patrick much smaller than Spongebob, when he's larger the rest of the time?

6. How do they pour glasses of milk and such under water?


ckh said...

I'm a big fan of Sponge Bob because he is just soooo nice! I have all these same questions about Bikini Bottom, too. In fact, I'm very bothered by the beach scenes because they take more suspension of belief than the rest of it (except drinking water.) The most disturbing thing, however is when the thought comes into my head (always when I start questioning these things) that my brother pointed out once that he thought there was some *dirty* reference in there somewhere about these critters residing in some woman's bikini bottoms.

Anonymous said...

My step kids love SpongeBob and buy all of the merchandise. This must be one of the most successful cartoons of all time.

Jenn said...

I got some for you. If spongebob and all the rest are constantly immersed in water, why do they need to shower? If they live at the bottom of the ocean how does sunlight reach them? There have been several episodes where spongebob absorbs water and swells up, if he is constantly in water wouldn't he always be swelled up? I also find it strange that they drive boats at the bottom of the ocean, and their bikes don't really touch the ground yet do not float away. I like spongebob, I think the show is hilarious, but in order to watch it I have to not think about it too hard.


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